Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS)

Master Data Management is a never-ending task that is only increasing in importance in any data driven organization.

What we Offer

Lexin Solutions will hit the ground running, providing support for your current processes and procedures, together with improvement recommendations and optimization initiatives. Our industry-leading team perform tasks that go well beyond material cataloging. Among other things, we also support the creation of BOMs (especially for materials being stocked), and Purchasing Information Records to facilitate Purchase Order automation.

With industry thought leaders, we offer domain expertise to ensure our clients are delivered the highest quality service, with tangible business outcomes. Short on headcount approval? Need an industry specialist, to help perform business functions in your current team? Reach out today, and meet one of our team who are eager to help you get started.

Focus Areas

1. Cataloging

Material Creations, Changes, Extensions, and Flag for Deletions.

2. Reorder Point (ROP) & Reorder Quantity (ROQ) Reviews

Regular reviews of the ROP/ROQ to ensure risk and cost are being effectively managed.

3. MRP Exception Management

Tracking and resolution of MRP Exceptions conducted daily.

4. Info Record Management

Creation and maintenance of Info Records to improve purchasing processes and reduce costs.

5. SLOB Reviews

Supporting the process to review all slow moving and potentially obsolete materials.

6. Business Process Re-Engineering